BIMMER-REMOTE presents Firmware Upgrade (latest release by BMW) for BMW NBTEVO / Entrynav2 (iDrive 5/6)
Latest firmware allows you for BMW Apple CarPlay Fullscreen!
To Check Firmware Version – Go to Navigation -> Press Options Button -> Go to Settings -> Go to Position & Version History -> Check Version - You will see NBTEvo_XXXXX / Way_XXXXX
If you have older software and you want to get BMW Apple CarPlay Fullscreen, this is the right product for your car! Simply purchase our product and schedule with us.
You will get:
• iDrive Firmware upgrade (latest and most stable release by BMW)
• BMW Apple CarPlay LIFETIME activation
• Fullscreen Activation
• Screen Mirroring (for Android) (NBTEvo only)
• VIM - Video in motion (works from USB and DVD) (NBTEvo only)
• iDrive 6 included - For all those who are on iDrive 5.
Keep your BMW iDrive up to date with our latest OEM update.
This is OEM software. Does NOT void warranty. No affect on Tunes.
- ENET Cable (OBD2 to Ethernet) (LINK)
- 30GB of free space on your PC
- Windows PC or Mac with Windows on Bootcamp
- Car charger / battery tender or another car running with jumper cables (Can be done without - it is OPTIONAL)
Process is done remotely by our technician. He will connect remotely and upgrade firmware of Your headunit. Process will take around 30 minutes.
After purchase you will receive a software to download. After downloading the software we will book a remote session for you. Our technician will connect remotely and he will flash your headunit and activate LIFETIME BMW CarPlay Fullscreen
Make sure to have WiFi antenna in your car - either OEM (Part no.61119278133) or Aftermarket. Ask us if you will need one - we will check by VIN. Some cars have it. If you have CarPlay on split screen from factory you already have WiFi antenna in your car (no need to add it)
CarPlay BMW / BMW CarPlay / CarPlay BMW Activation / Activation of Apple CarPlay / Carplay BMW / Apple CarPlay BMW / Apple CarPlay Remote / Apple CarPlay BMW Coding / Coding CarPlay BMW / BMW Apple CarPlay / MINI Apple CarPlay / MINI CarPlay / CarPlay MINI / CarPlay MINI Activation / CarPlay BMW F80 / CarPlay BMW F90 / CarPlay BMW F82 / CarPlay BMW G30 / BMW CarPlay G30 / BMW CarPlay NBTEVO / CarPlay BMW F30 / CarPlay BMW F31 / CarPlay BMW X1 / CarPlay BMW X2 / CarPlay BMW X3 / CarPlay BMW Activate / CarPlay BMW Activare / Activate BMW CarPlay / Unlock Apple CarPlay BMW / CarPlay BMW Retrofit / Remote Coding BMW